BF and I had to make a run to another town to pick up a monitor (at one point he actually called this a "convenience" - still confused about that), and when we finally got home, I saw the UPS truck near our building. I threw on my shoes and screamed "That's my yarn!" The UPS guy handed it over, and I threw the box at the boyfriend and said "get this open." I think I had a case of hunger anger.
It's Lion Brand Yarn "Amazing" - cute, yeah? And quite soft for someone like me who finds wool to be the itchiest stuff on earth (it's half acrylic/half wool). I bought it with the end of the year free shipping, and instead of picking one colorway, I decided on one of each. I have to do some more plotting to decide what exactly it all will be. I am just so squealy happy to get a more Noro look without the itching and the spending.
Also amazing? I finished a blanket already this year! Just a little ripple action for my friend Alyssa, who has already snuggled with it. This is one repeat - I couldn't lay it out on the bed last night for a proper pic before I packed it up because somebody in this house thinks night time is for sleeping. Whatever.
The blanket would have looked much better with a naked BF under it... just a suggestion for next time... I specialize in those types of photos...
I told BF that some day those types of photos will be on Etsy...
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