Why am I so darn cold? Reason 1 is that I didn't follow the BF's suggestion to put a cover on the airmattress before sleeping on it (yes, sleeping on air-filled plastic is as cold as you would imagine). Reason 2 is that this is the view from my bedroom window.
Quaint? Yes. Cozy? No.
When I got to the kitchen, I saw somebody else staring out at the white and drifted snow.
It was Becky! A friend from my college newspaper days.
I of course used a pattern - ha, just kidding. Her legs are full of PVC pellets so she'll stand up on her own, and I used safety eyes as arm joints so the arms will move.
In case you're wondering what Becky looks like for real, here's a little peek.
I know, cuter in person than out of yarn.
Awesome idea for the arm joints!
ahhhh!!!! Its so darn cute!!! You are the best j-brown!
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