Saturday, February 20, 2010

5 'ings: Week of February 21

This picture has nothing to do with anything in this post. It's just to make JB feel better about the fact that E went to Mardi Gras without her, AGAIN!

60 Minutes, A Peek Inside the Bloom Box (E)
Drunk History - if only the History Channel was like this (JB)

It Ain't Gonna Rain No More - Papa said I shouldn't sing so loud on the airplane (E)
Sound of Young America Interview with Biker Fox - brings back some Tulsa memories (JB)

Wired, American Express (E)
Craft Fail (JB)

Zapp's Jalapeno Chips (E)
Blueberry Buckle (JB)

Red Diamond Merlot I found stashed in my checked baggage (E)
Samuel Adams Noble Pils - not enough hop for me, but since it's what's in the fridge (JB)

Wine bottle bank for my newest niece. "Lottie's Loot." Just a little lame... (E)
Some version of Kendra's awesome knob covers - is this the best idea or what? (JB)

* All right, let's talk about the elephant in the virtual room - there are always more than 5 things on this list. I know I'm the only one amused by this, but I didn't want anyone to think we can't count here. Because we can. We just can't multiply.


kendra said...

oh go on!!! thanks, jb! can't wait to see what you do!

Mama said...

See JB, I thought 5-ings was a play on "f-ings." The things that frustrate, irritate, irradiate, vasilate & chuckilate you throughout the week...But maybe I just know you too well...

JB said...

Kendra, I told you I hated those plastic ones :) Yours really are awesome! I think E might be the recipient of a few, if she's lucky.

Speaking of E, you're right, I thought it had a double meaning...until I counted. My math skills just scream "Journalism Major" the same way yours scream "Communications Honor Student."

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